How did you get involved with the Arkansas New Play Fest?

Steven Wilson, the director of Andromeda asked me if I might be available to be to come workshop the play here in Arkansas. We had previously done a reading of the play in Chicago this past Winter.

Is this your first time working in Arkansas? How do you find it? Expectations vs. Reality?

This is my first visit to Fayetteville and TheatreSquared. It is an inviting and inspiring place to be. It is beautiful here and having the luxury of giving our undivided attention to the play is most unusual and rewarding.

How does working on a play in development compare to working on a published script?

Portraying a role in a play that is in development calls for flexibility and the willingness to go in different directions even if that's not how you originally saw the story or your character.

Do actors need to have a different kind of skill set to work on a play in development (new pages everyday)?

Same as the prior question. Memorizing new pages can be easy or challenging depending on the piece.

How do you think the Arkansas New Play Fest compares to other new play development workshops that you have been part of in the past?

This is a great environment for generating new work. The fest is well organized, diverse and seems marketed well. It's great to see posters all over town!